Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zoo-Who? No.... ZULU!

Last week JJ, Situation, and I went out to see a Zulu dance. What is Zulu? Well, when we got there, we had absolutely no idea either! The place was packed, mostly with females and a couple college boys... Us... That struck us as a little odd. The next thing that completly caught us off guard was the man in knee-high pink socks, short suit-shorts, a suit coat with a multicolored tail, and a pink, glowing feather duster.

"He has got to be a part of the act..." I whispered to my friends, who nodded slightly, hoping it was correct. We went in and sat down...

Now, to give you an idea of Zulu, this the definition- a member of a South African people living mainly in KwaZulu-Natal province.
• the Nguni language of this people.

That's all you will find, in words, on what 'Zulu' is.


We jump up at this half dressed African man walking down the auditorium steps singing in perfect pitch what we have never heard before. Yells... But in tune. It was amazing.

Stomp, stomp, stomp, sto sto sto stomp... Shhhh, shuffle, clap, clap....

The wave of musically driven sounds of feet and shoes hit our tender ears as the man continues to sing in part African, part English, and part French as a video is played in the back of the auditorium. A rather large women walks out, holding a pair of shoes on her head as she points a video camera to her mouth... Singing loudly towards the audience.

This night was powerful. There were many hidden symbols and it is all very hard to put into writing. You would have just had to have been there... Hidden symbols for aids, for the poorness of certain individuals that can't even afford shoes, for just... Trying to find happiness in dark times with the help of each other. A family so to speak.

I could be writing this blog for hours about the things we saw that night. It was very interesting...

Men climbing through the audience chairs (with people in them) all the way to the top... Climbing and struggling as the bring this long paper roll up with them. The struggles of mankind for equality... The visual symbols were astounding in this night of Zulu dance.

If you are interested in more deeper meaning... Let me know. I could try and explain what I saw, but it will be very hard. Try to find a Zulu dance of your own! I challenge that to you.

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